

Picking up new words is what I consider to be the most fun part of learning a language. Social media makes it easier to find new ones, for which I'm very thankful. And here's what I've found so far this week: quiet quitting. "Quiet quittin…

実験 英語と日本語で創作

I'm hesitant. Not quite sure if what I'm about to do is right. And I'm worried that I might be getting in trouble for what I'm about to say. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut. But I'm going to do it anyway. Listen up, folks; I'm going to t…


Scrolling through my Twitter feed, I stumbled onto an article about Amazon's upcoming Lord of the Rings drama series. Peter Jackson, who directed The Lord of the Rings trilogy, said Amazon reached out and asked him if he wanted to get invo…


今日は、「友情の日」。友達を意味する"friend"の同義語を、いっしょに見ていきましょう。 Since it's "National Friendship Day" today, let's take a look at the synonyms for the word "Friend": BFF (Best Friends Forever) 永遠の大親友 Example: I we…


Yesterday was "Work Like A Dog Day" - it's a day to celebrate those who work hard. I never knew there was such a day! If you've heard "A Hard Day's Night" by the Beatles before, you've probably heard the phrase "working like a dog." It sim…


The heat wave has finally cooled off. It's time to relax and take a breather. Get a good night's sleep if you have had trouble sleeping at night for a couple of days. You can spend this comfortable weather learning new expressions like "Ch…


What helps you start your day off right? Taking a shower? Practicing yoga? Practicing meditation? What about grabbing a cup of Joe? A cup of Joe? What is that? Who is that Joe guy? You might ask. A cup of Joe means a cup of coffee. The exp…


In the last post, I used the phrase "come under the fire." If you say that you come under fire, you mean that you're strongly critisized by someone. You can also use the expression "take (get) flak" as the same meaning. 昨日の記事で、"come…


This morning, I saw this news article about Beyoncé removing an ableist slur from one of her new songs called "Heated." What is ableist slur? It's discriminatory words against people with disabilities. According to the article, Beyoncé has…


The word "diss" has become standard Japanese. As you might know, "dissing" means to insult someone publicly. In English-speaking countries, many people are using the phrase "throw shade" recently - and it has the same meaning as "dissing."…